If the company does not meet the income conditions and you do not employ Polish citizens/foreigners, you must prove that you have sufficient funds to meet these conditions in the future. It is worth submitting documents indicating that the company/activity has sufficient resources to satisfy its receivables, has funds for salaries for employees and to cover investments. It is best if the company has funds on the bank account corresponding to at least 12 times the average monthly salary in the region/province in which the business is located or you have a place of residence. The amount of the average salary can be found at the website https://stat.gov.pl/sygnalne/komunikaty-i-obwieszczenia/lista-komunikato...
Basic requirements are:
- income: in the year preceding the submission of your application, your company must achieve an income not lower than twelve times the average monthly salary gross in the region/province in which the company or business has its registered office or place of residence. The average salary is announced by the President of the Central Statistical Office, and its amount can be checked on the website: https://stat.gov.pl/sygnalne/komunikaty-i-obwieszczenia/lista-komunikato....
- employment: employment for an indefinite and full-time period of time, at least for the period of 1 year preceding the submission of the application, and employment of at least 2 employees who are Polish citizens or foreigners. However, foreigners must be entitled to work in Poland.
- if you do not meet the income or employment requirements, you must demonstrate that you are conducting activities that will allow to meet these conditions in the future – in particular those that contribute to investment growth, technology transfer, beneficial innovations or new work places.
If you run a company, you cannot apply for a temporary residence and work permit – in this situation we will deny to initiate proceedings. You need to submit an application for business activity purpose, even if you own shares in a company founded in Poland and you do not hold any function in it.
If you want to register your company in Central Register and Information on Economic Activity you have to go to City Office/County (District) Office. For the city of Poznan it is: City Office in Poznań, the Department of Business Activity and Agriculture, 61-441 Poznań, ul. 28 Czerwca 1956 r. nr 404, Poznań; learn more
You may also establish the company/partnership/corporation in National Court Register (KRS) in person or by the attorney-in-fact (lawyer/legal counsel/solicitor).
Informacje dla obywateli Ukrainy
Permit was granted, so the stamp duty is not refundable.
You can appeal against any decision issued by our office. You can attach documents that you have not attached before. If we consider that after completing them you have met the conditions for granting the permit for the declared purpose of your stay, we will change the decision and issue a permit for a period of 3 years. If not, we will forward your appeal together with the case files to the Head of the Office for Foreigners in Warsaw.
NO. If:
- your data are on the list of undesirable persons in Poland or the Schengen Information System for the purpose of refusing entry OR
- Your stay in Poland poses a threat to state security or the protection of public safety and order OR
- you submitted an application containing false information or testified untruthfully or used an inauthentic (forged or counterfeit) document OR
- you got married in order to evade the law
We will NOT grant an annual permit and you will receive a negative decision (no permit granted)
This is a special kind of a permit for Ukrainian citizens, which is granted if you have not met the requirements necessary to grant a temporary residence permit due to the declared purpose of your stay or there are grounds for refusing to grant such a permit (e.g. you have not submitted the documents we required) and therefore we could only give you permit for 1 year.
This is a special kind of a permit for Ukrainian citizens, which is granted if you have not met the requirements necessary to grant a temporary residence permit due to the declared purpose of your stay or there are grounds for refusing to grant such a permit (e.g. you have not submitted the documents we required) and therefore we could only give you permit for 1 year
Contact Office for Foreigners in order to confirm that the conditions for temporary protection are met.
You will find here the announcement of the Head of Office for Foreigners