Documents confirming the possibility of covering the costs of foreigner's stay and return

You need to prove the existence of sufficient financial resources to obtain an entry of the invitation in the invitation records. You can do so by attaching one of the following documents: 

  • your current bank statement along with the closing balance;
  • an employment certificate including the information about your monthly salary and the type of contract based on which you perform work; 
  • your decision on recent pension valorisation.

Currently, the required funds amount to 515PLN per person, including you, each supported family member and each invited foreigner monthly. Additionally, you need to have sufficient funds to cover the expenses of a return trip for the invited foreigner: 

  • 200PLN for the return trip to a country bordering with Poland; 
  • 500PLN for a return trip to any other European country; 
  • 2500PLN to a non-European third country. 

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