Useful contacts

PESEL number

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine, proof of identity


Information Point at the Labor Office in Poznań, Czarnieckiego 9
+48 512 360 258 (Polish)
+48 512 360 273 (Ukrainian)

Notification of the employment of a citizen of Ukraine

The Medical Chamber of Wielkopolska Province - help for doctors from Ukraine and their relatives, including work, qualifications, legal and psychological assistance

Schools, kindergartens, activities for children

Kuratorium Oświaty w Poznaniu (Local Education Authority in Poznań)

Barbara Zatorska – tel. 780 386 050, Marzena Pelcer – tel. 780 386 055,
Karolina Adamska – tel. 780386 020, Katarzyna Bizukojć – tel. 780 386 056,
Izabela Liebert-Jędroszkowiak – tel. 780 386 076.

Zajęcia dla dzieci (Activities for children)

Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki (Ministry of Education and Science)

Medical care

Internetowe konto pacjenta (Online patient account)

Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia (National Health Fund) - information about medical assistance: 800 190 590

Psychological support

Baza instytucji, organizacji i podmiotów prywatnych gotowych bezpłatnie udzielić wsparcia psychologicznego i psychiatrycznego osobom przybywającym z Ukrainy.(List of institutions, organizations and private entities ready to provide free psychological and psychiatric support to people coming from Ukraine)

Legal assistance

Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości (Ministry of Justice) - 24/7 Victims Assistance Line, including armed aggression in Ukraine - legal and psychological assistance

Komenda Główna Policji (Police Headquarters) - information and assistance in situations of disappearance of people who crossed the Polish border in connection with the war in Ukraine

Wykaz adwokatów udzielających bezpłatnej pomocy prawnej uchodźcom (List of attorneys providing free legal assistance to refugees)

News service for those who are in Poznań

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