
When should I apply?

If you are planning to stay in Poland for longer than 3 months and your primary purpose of staying in Poland is to take part in European Voluntary Service, you should apply for the temporary residence permit for a volunteer. The voluntary organisation, in which you are to provide voluntary service, must be authorised by the minister competent for internal affairs. Look at the valid list of the authorised voluntary organisations that announced in the official journal of the minister relevant for internal affairs. Remember that voluntary service does not include remuneration, but only means for covering costs of living and board and the minimal amount of pocket money.

You should apply for a residence permit in person before your current legal status expires (i.e. before your visa or residence card expires). If you apply to extend your stay in Poland before the expiry date of your legal status, you can legally remain in Poland while your application is pending. Make sure you have submitted an error-free application. Your passport must be valid at this time.

Before you apply, read our tips on how to fill in an application form.

Where should I apply?

  1. Visit the website mos.cudzoziemcy.gov.pl and create an account.
  2. Review the information and the list of common mistakes.
  3. Fill out the application for a temporary residence permit.
  4. Include your email address in the application. Once your application is registered by the Office, you’ll receive an access code to track the status of your case.
  5. Print the application form and sign it.
  6. Send the printed form along with the required attachments via postal service to the Department for Foreigners in Poznań or one of our regional offices.

Submit the application no later than the last day of your legal stay in Poland. If you send the application via Poczta Polska, the date of submission will be the date it is posted at the post office.

The next step will be an in-person appointment to submit your fingerprints. During the visit, you will also complete other documents required to obtain a stamp in your passport.

Learn how to submit fingerprints.
Learn how to track the status of your case.

What documents do I need?

Documents required to obtain a stamp in your passport (i.e. formal requirements)

Confirmation of the payment of stamp duty will be requires to start your proceedings.


Documents necessary to be granted a temporary residence permit for a volunteer:

What should I know?

Read our guide

The permit can be granted for the period necessary to perform the contract, based on which volunteering will take place, not shorter than 3 months and not longer than 1 year.

Temporary residence permit for an intern or a volunteer does not give you any right to perform work without obtaining an additional work permit.

Please remember that you are obliged to inform the appropriate province Governor that granted your temporary residence permit if the reasons for giving it no longer apply. You must do so within 15 business days. 
If your residence permit was granted by the Head of the Office for Foreigners (the second instance authority), this information should be sent to the province Governor, the first instance authority examining your application.
If you do not fulfill this obligation, you might be refused a subsequent residence permit, if your application for the subsequent temporary residence permit was made before the end of a year before the expiration date of the previous residence permit or by the day in which the decision to withdraw the temporary residence permit has become final

I have received my decison - how to get my residence card now?

The residence card is issued after you have received your decision with your permit. Read How to receive residence card

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